About us

Barker’s Lane School is a happy, safe and caring community where children receive high standards of education and achieve their full potential. We cater for children 3-11 years old and are situated on the outskirts of Wrexham.

Our classrooms are nurturing environments where purposeful learning takes place. We have excellent play space including a multi use games area. We have a sensory garden and several recreational / relaxation areas. We have a large well-established Forest School / Conservation Area with a pond, outdoor classroom and natural canopy.

Barker’s Lane is a happy friendly school. High standards are achieved through taking care of each individual. We have high expectations for all pupils and work in partnership with parents to ensure the best possible education for every child. Our aim is to create a caring and secure environment where pupils enjoy learning, respect others, develop confidence and independence. Working together we can support each other to create this culture and aspire to our shared school vision –

“LEARN TOGETHER” – Let’s learn to enjoy, aspire, respect and nurture together.

Our approaches to learning and teaching challenge children to achieve their best in exciting, interesting and imaginative ways both indoors and outdoors. Developing children’s skills, confidence, competence and independence effectively promotes life-long learning.

The school was inspected in 2024, where inspectors reported on many strong features and recognised that children staff and families feel proud to be part of the school community. The full report is available here.

All staff at Barker’s Lane place much emphasis on care and support for children. We have ‘Wrap-Around’ care facilities from 7.45am-5.30pm for pre-school, Nursery age and school age children if you require this.

Come and visit us, Barker’s Lane is a very effective school where we all strive for high levels of achievement and well-being. We take great pride in the friendly and welcoming ‘family’ atmosphere in the school where children and staff feel valued, respected and proud of our community.

Mrs Chris Edwards
Headteacher / Pennaeth