This section of the website will inform you about the activities the pupils are involved with at Barkers Lane School.
Extra Curricular Clubs
The teachers run a variety of extra curricular clubs according to the season. In the event of a club having to be cancelled due to the weather / other unforeseen circumstances parents will be informed by text.
School Council
The School Council is made up of pupils from Years 2 to 6 who have been voted for by their peer group. The Council meets termly and is overseen by Mrs West. The Council members serve for 1 year.
The Eco-committee is overseen by Mrs Cossington and meets on a regular basis to discuss environmental issues relating to school.
Internet Safety
We take our responsibilities for pupil safety. both physical and virtual. very seriously. The pupils are guided when using the computers and are taught about on-line safety. Policy documents and safety advice can be found on our documents and links page.
Homework Links
Homework is an important part of the learning process. teaching pupils about time management and also reinforcing their classwork. Links to homework and subject websites can be found on our links page.