Curriculum for Wales
Our new exciting curriculum for children in Wales becomes statutory for primary schools from September 2022.
At the heart is universal access to, and acquisition of, the experiences, knowledge and skills that young people will need for employment, lifelong learning and active citizenship.
A Young Person’s Guide to the new curriculum can be found here.
An easy read version for young people can be found here.
A Parent / Carer’s Guide to the new curriculum can be found here.
The four purposes are the shared vision and aspiration for every child and young person. The aim of Welsh Government is that in fulfilling these, high expectations are set for all, individual and national well-being is promoted, ignorance and misinformation is tackled, and critical and civic engagement is encouraged.
Our Curriculum Rationale at Barker’s Lane
Our curriculum is everything that a pupil experiences in school. It is not just what we teach, but how we teach and why we teach it.
Our curriculum rationale and lots of information about what, how and why we teach things can be accessed here.
We welcome any comments or constructive feedback from pupils, parents / carers and our community. You can compete a brief feedback form here.
Other important changes:
Relationships and Sexuality Education (RSE)
Developmentally appropriate Relationships and Sexuality Education (RSE) becomes statutory for all children from September 2022.
Our school policy on RSE can be found here
Welsh Government have produced a leaflet for parents / carers about RSE which can be found here.
Religion, Values and Ethics (RVE)
The new name for Religious Education from September is Religion, Values and Ethics (RVE) and is mandatory for all learners from 3 to 16.
Wrexham Local Authority have produced the following information for parents / carers which can be accessed here.